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Scientific publications
Peer-reviewed publications
Bruns, T. D., Corradi, N., Redecker, D., Taylor, J. W., Öpik, M. (2017): Glomeromycotina: what is a species and why should we care? New Phytologist 220, p. 963-967.
Lekberg, Y., Vasar, M., Bullington, L. S., Sepp, S.-K., Antunes, P. M., Bunn, R., Larkin, B.G., Öpik, M. (2018): More bang for the buck? Can arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities be characterized adequately alongside other fungi using general fungal primers? New Phytologist 220, p. 971-976.
García de León, D., Davison, J., Moora, M., Öpik, M., Feng, H., Hiiesalu, I., Jairus, T., Koorem, K., Liu, Y., Phosri, C., Sepp, S.-K., Vasar, M., Zobel, M. (2018): Anthropogenic disturbance equalizes diversity levels in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. Global Change Biology 24, p. 2649–2659.
Plaas, E., Meyer-Wolfarth, F., Banse, M., Bengtsson, J., Bergmann, H., Faber, J., Potthoff, M., Runge, T., Schrader, S., Taylor, A. (2019): Towards valuation of biodiversity in agricultural soils: A case for earthworms. Ecological Economics 159, p. 291–300.
Schrader, S., van Capelle, C., Meyer-Wolfarth, F. (2020): Regenwürmer als Partner bei der Bodennutzung. Biologie in unserer Zeit 3, 192-198.
Hervé, M.E.T., Renault, M., Plaas, E., Schuette, R., Potthoff, M., Cluzeau, D., Nicolai, A. (2020): From practices to values: farmers’ relationship with soil biodiversity in Europe. Sociologia Ruralis 60, 596-620.
Davison, J., León, D.G., Zobel, M., Moora, M., Bueno, C.G., Barceló, M., Gerz, M., León, D., Meng, Y., Pillar, V.D., Pillar, V.D., Sepp, S.-K., Soudzilovaskaia, N.A., Tedersoo, L., Vaessen, S., Vahter, T., Winck, B., Öpik, M. (2020): Plant functional groups associate with distinct arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. New Phytologist 226, 1117-1128.
Vahter, T., Bueno, C.G., Davinson, J., Herodes, K., Hiiesalu, I., Kasari-Toussaint, L., Oja, J., Olsson, P.A:, Sepp, S.-K., Zobel, M., Vasar, M., Öpik, M. (2020): Co-introduction of native mycorrhizal fungi and plant seeds accelerates restoration of post-mining landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology, doi:10.1111/1365-2664.13663.
Non-peer reviewed publications
Plaas, E., Meyer-Wolfarth, F. (2019): Pflanzenschützer aus dem Erdreich. Article in farmer's weekly journal „Bauernzeitung“, Deutscher Bauernverlag GmbH 40, p. 26-28
Plaas, E., Meyer-Wolfarth, F., Potthoff, M. (2020): Почвенное плодородие: Защитники из темных миров. Article in farmer's monthly journal in Russia: Neue Landwirtschaft, Russische Ausgabe НОВОЕ СЕЛЬСКОЕ ХОЗЯЙСТВО (HCX)1, p. 52-54.
Schrader, S., van Capelle, C., Meyer-Wolfarth, F. (2020): Pflanzenschutz aus dem Boden. Article in LUMBRICO 5, p. 35-38.
Oral presentation at conferences
Potthoff, M., Pérès, G., Taylor, A.R., Schrader, S., Landa, B.B., Nicolai, A., Sandor, M.S., Öpik, M., Guzmán, G., Bergmann, H., Cluzeau, D., Banse, M., Bengtsson, J., Guernion, M., Zaller, J., Roslin, T., Scheu, S., Gómez Calero, J.-A., Schmoock, I., Linsler, D., and all collaborators: Ecosystem services driven by the diversity of soil biota – understanding and management in agriculture. Oral presentation at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2017
Potthoff, M.: Ecosystem services driven by soil biota – understanding, valuation, and management, the SoilMan-Project. Oral presentation at 6th Rhine-Waal Soil and Plant Ecology Seminar 2018, Kleve, Germany, February 2018
Linsler, D.: SoilMan: Soil biota responses to soil management – field sites conception and first results. Oral presentation at 6th Rhine-Waal Soil and Plant Ecology Seminar 2018, Kleve, Germany, February 2018
"Potthoff, M., Bergmann, H., Linsler, D., Pérès, G., Schrader, S., Landa, B.B., Taylor, A.R., Plaas, E., Runge, T., Banse, M., Nicolai, A., Cluzeau, D., and the whole SoilMan-Team: Ecosystem services driven by soil biota – understanding, valuation, and management – the SoilMan Project. Oral presentation at the interactive workshop for EU stakeholder "How to value ecosystem services provided from soil biota in arable land through the CAP?", Brussels, Belgium, February 2018
Linsler, D.: Outcomes from the first year of SoilMan. Oral presentation at the interactive workshop for EU stakeholder "How to value ecosystem services provided from soil biota in arable land through the CAP?", Brussels, Belgium, February 2018
Bengtsson, J.: Soil biodiversity as driver for multiple ecosystem services on cropland. Oral presentation at the interactive workshop for EU stakeholder ""How to value ecosystem services provided from soil biota in arable land through the CAP?"", Brussels, Belgium, February 2018"
Langlais, A., Hervé, M.E.T., Nicolai, A., Renault, M.: Services écosystémiques et évaluation des services environnementaux. Oral presentation at Journée Interdisciplinaire: Gestion Durable des Ressources Naturelles et des Territoires, Rennes, France, February 2018
Schrader, S., Ludwig, M.: Soil sustainability indicated and measured by soil resilience. Oral presentation at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2018
Taylor, A.: ‘The role of earthworms & soil biodiversity in sustainable agriculture – out of site – NOT out of mind’. Lecture to receive the qualification of an Associate professor (‘Docent’) in Ecology, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden (18. April 2018). The SoilMan project was specifically mentioned in the lecture. Lecture to receive the qualification of an Associate professor (‘Docent’) in Ecology, SLU, Uppsala, Sweden (18. April 2018). The SoilMan project was specifically mentioned in the lecture.
Nicolai, A., Renault, M.: Ecosystem services driven by the diversity of soil biota (Biodiversa SoilMan). Oral presentation at Atelier International: Hommes-Milieux, Rennes, France, May 2018
Schmoock, I., Linsler, D., Schrader, S., Taylor, A.R., Potthoff, M.: Can annelid induced soil functions be managed by the choice of different tillage practices? Effect of enchytraeids and earthworms on soil biotic properties and carbon dynamics. Oral presentation at International earthworm congress, Shanghai, China, June 2018
Plaas, E., Meyer-Wolfarth, F., Banse, M., Bengtsson, J., Bergmann, H., Faber, J., Potthoff, M., Runge, T., Schrader, S., Taylor, A.R.: The earthworm value – The multiple values of soil biota driven ecosystem services in agriculture exemplified by earthworm. Oral presentation at International earthworm congress, Shanghai, China, June 2018
Beylich, A., Graefe, U., Schmelz, R., Potthoff, M.: Tillage effects on enchytraeid diversity: Comparison of field trials on the European scale. Oral presentation at 13th International Symposium on Enchytraeidae, Versailles, France, June 2018
Meyer-Wolfarth, F., Oldenburg, E., Meiners, T., Muñoz, K., Schrader, S.: Leaching of the mycotoxins deoxynivalenol and zearalenone from contaminated maize residues – a potential risk for agricultural soils? Oral presentation at Mycotoxin-Workshop, Munich, Germany, June 2018
Langlais, A. : Introduction to the concept of ecological solidarity and its challenges: partie I - linkage between ecological solidarity and ecosystem services. Oral presentation at International symposium « The concept of Ecological solidarity : a tool to implement the planetary wellbeing » ; 5th European congress of conversation biology, Jyväskylä, Finlande, June 2018
Langlais, A. : Building resilience: towards the development of an ecosystem services law? Oral presentation at Colloque annuel Académie Droit de l’environnement IUCN, Glasgow, Scotland, July 2018
Meyer-Wolfarth, F., Oldenburg, E., Meiners, T., Muñoz, K., Schrader, S.: Soil fauna effects on degradation of Fusarium graminearum mycotoxins in contaminated plant residues at different temperature regimes. Oral presentation at the International Congress on Plant Pathology, Boston, USA, August 2018
Dascălu, D., Vidican, R., Onica, B., Sandor, M.S.: A review on assessing microbial functional diversity in arable soils by using Microresp method. Oral presentation at 17th International Symposium Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 2018
Sandor, M.S., Dascălu, D., Gliga, A., Onica, B., Stoian, V.A., Stoian, V., Chețan, F.: Soil biodiversity assessment in arable agricultural soil under conventional and minimum tillage systems. Oral presentation at 17th International Symposium Prospects for the 3rd Millennium Agriculture, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 2018
Hervé, M.E.T., Renault, M., Plaas, E., Bergmann, H., Runge, T., Potthoff, M., Cluzeau, D., Nicolai A.: Plural values associated with soil biodiversity among farmers in Europe. Oral presentation at 15th ISEE congress, Puebla, Mexico, September 2018
Schmoock, I., Linsler, D., Schrader, S., Taylor, A.R., Potthoff, M.: Ökosystemleistungen sichtbar machen - Bodenorganismen auf der Spur. Oral presentation at 2. Symposium der Kommission VIII der DGB, Wahrnehmung und Bewertung von Böden in der Gesellschaft, Leipzig, Deutschland, Oktober 2018
Plaas, E., Meyer-Wolfarth, F., Banse, M., Bengtsson, J., Bergmann, H., Faber, J., Potthoff, M., Runge, T., Schrader, S., Taylor, A.R.: Ansätze zur Wertschätzung von bodenbiologischen Ökosystemdienstleistungen in der Landwirtschaft. Oral presentation at 2. Symposium der Kommission VIII der DGB, Wahrnehmung und Bewertung von Böden in der Gesellschaft, Leipzig, Germany, Oktober 2018
Hervé, M.E.T., Renault, M., Plaas, E., Bergmann, H., Runge, T., Potthoff, M., Cluzeau, D., Nicolai, A.: Plural values associated with soil biodiversity among farmers in Europe. International Conference on Ecological Sciences, Rennes, France, Oktober 2018
Van Capelle, C., Meyer-Wolfarth, F., Meiners, T., Sandor, M.S., Schrader, S.: Natural bioregulators - suppression of plant pathogens and detoxification by soil biota. Oral presentation at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2019
Runge, T., Schrader, S., Banse, M., van Capelle, C.: The role of soil biodiversity for sustainable agriculture - development paths towards 2050. Oral presentation at 13th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, Turku, Finland, June 2019
van Capelle, C., Meyer-Wolfarth, F., Meiners, T., Sandor, M.S., Schrader, S.: Bodentiere als Regulatoren der ecosystem service/disservice Balance gemulchter Böden. Oral presentation at Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of Switzerland and the German Soil Science Society, Bern, Switzerland, August 2019
Meyer-Wolfarth, F., Plaas, E., Banse, M., Bengtsson, J., Bergmann, H., Faber, J., Potthoff, M., Runge, T., Schrader, S., Taylor, A.R: The economic value of earthworms in cropland - disease suppression as soil based ecosystem service. Oral presentation at Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of Switzerland and the German Soil Science Society, Bern, Switzerland, August 2019
Schmoock, I., Linsler, D., Schrader, S., Taylor, A.R., Potthoff, M.: Impacts of agricultural management practices: Is the contribution of soil biota to litter breakdown affected by different positioning of organic material due to tillage? Oral presentation at Annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of Switzerland and the German Soil Science Society, Bern, Switzerland, August 2019
Plaas, E., Meyer-Wolfarth, F., Banse, M., Bengtsson, J., Bergmann, H., Faber, J., Potthoff, M., Runge, T., Schrader, S., Taylor, A.R.: Why earthworm are worth gold – the valuation of soil biodiversity in real farm management. Oral presentation at the 10th world conference from Ecosystem Service Partnership 21-25th October 2019, Hannover, Germany
Schrader, S.: Ecosystem services am Beispiel pilzfressender Bodentiere. Oral presentation at Geographisches Kolloquium der Universität Osnabrück, Osnabrück, Germany, January 2020
Schmoock, I., Linsler, D., Sandor, M.S., Jörgensen, R.G., Potthoff, M.: Long-term effects of tillage intensity on the distribution of microbial biomass and activity at different soil depths across European field-sites. Oral Presentation at 8th Rhine-Waal Soil and Plant Ecology Seminar, Kleve, Germany, February 2020
Meyer-Wolfarth, F., van Capelle, C., Oldenburg, E., Schrader, S.: Regenwürmer als Pflanzenschützer - Unterstützung aus dem Boden. Oral presentation at 33. Tagung des DPG-Arbeitskreises „Krankheiten in Getreide und Mais“, Braunschweig, Germany, February 2020
van Capelle, C., Meyer-Wolfarth, F., Meiners, T., Sandor, M.S., Schrader, S.: Unterdrückung von Fusarien und Reduktion ihrer Mykotoxine in der Mais-Mulchauflage durch Regenwürmer – Ergebnisse aus dem SoilMan-Projekt. Oral presentation at 33. Tagung des DPG-Arbeitskreises „Krankheiten in Getreide und Mais“, Braunschweig, Germany, February 2020
Schrader, S.: Pilzfressende Bodentiere als Bioregulatoren in gemulchten Böden. Oral presentation at Tagung der Gesellschaft für Konservierende Bodenbearbeitung (GKB), Braunschweig, Germany, February 2020
Hoeffner, K., Arias-Giraldo, L.-F., Banse, M., Beylich, A., Chabbi, A., Cluzeau, D., Decau, M.-L., Dascălu, D., Graefe, U., Guzmán, G., Hallaire, V., Hanisch, J., Landa, B.B., Linsler, D., Menasseri, S., Nicolai, A., Öpik, M., Plaas, E., Roslin, T., Roucaute, M., Runge, T., Sandor, M.S., Scheu, S., Schmelz, R., Schmoock, I., Schütte, R., Schrader, S., Sepp, S.-M., Potthoff, M., Vahter, T., Pérès, G.: Do crop rotations including temporary grassland improve provision of soil ecosystem services? Oral presentation at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
Öpik, M., Vahter, T., Sepp, S.-K.: Plant symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi in agriculture and restoration. Oral presentation at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
Banse, M., Potthoff, M.: How can policy strengthen the synergies between agriculture and soil biodiversity? Oral presentation at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
Hervé, M.E.T., Plass, E., Schütte, R. Renault, M., Pottoff, M., Cluzeau, D., Nicolai, A.: Integration of values plurality in the definition of soil management strategy by European farmers. Oral presentation at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
Langlais, A., Runge, T.: Soil biota preservation in the post-2020 Common Agriculture Policy. Oral presentation at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
Öpik, M.: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agriculture and restoration: consider the species pool. Symposium “Above- and belowground Biodiversity for Sustainable Ecosystems” in Zurich, Switzerland, November 2019
Anguita-Maeso, M., Rivas, J.C., León, G., Estudillo, C., Navas-Cortés, J.A., Landa, B.B.: Plant genotype, soil and climate as drivers of the olive microbiome composition. Oral and poster presentation at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
Sandor M., Dascălu, D.: Biodiversitatea solului în terenuri agricole supuse unor practici sustenabile. Oral presentation at the Conferinta Nationala de Comunicari Stiintifice a Complexului Muzeal Bistrita Nasaud, Bistrita, Romania, November 2020
"Dascălu, D., Sandor, M.: Posibilități de adaptare a metodei MicroResp pentru determinarea biomasei microbiene și a raportului bacterii:ciuperci din sol". Oral presentation at the Conferinta Nationala de Comunicari Stiintifice a Complexului Muzeal Bistrita Nasaud, Bistrita, Romania, November 2020
Poster presentations at conferences
Sandor, M.S., Stoian, V., Onica B.-M., Maxim A., Buta M. : SoilMan – a new European project to explore soil biodiversity in arable soils. Poster at Environment & Progress Conference, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, November 2017
Schmoock, I., Linsler, D., Potthoff, M.: Indicating resilience and sustainability in arable soil systems across Europe; Response of the soil microbial biomass to tillage reductions in four European countries. Poster at Conference of "Gesellschaft für Ökologie", Ghent, Belgium, December 2017
Beylich, A., Graefe, U.: Tillage effects on enchytraeid diversity: Comparison of two field trials in Germany and Sweden. BONARES Conference, Berlin, Germany, February 2018 (poster). Poster at BONARES Conference, Berlin, Germany, February 2018
Torppa, K., Viketoft, M., Bengtsson, J., Taylor, A.R.: Ploughing reduces earthworm abundance and bioturbation. Poster at OIKOS, Trondheim, Norway, February 2018
Meyer-Wolfahrt, F., Oldenburg, E., Meiners, T., Munoz, K., Schrader, S.: Farmers little helpers - Earthworms and collembolans potential role in pathogen repression and reduction of environmental contaminants. Poster at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2018
Schmoock, I., Linsler, D., Potthoff, M.: Indicating resilience and sustainability in arable soil systems across Europe. Response of soil microbial biomass to tillage reductions in three European countries. Poster at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2018
Onica, B.-M., Dascălu, D., Stoian, V., Brad, T., Vidican, R., Sandor, M.S.: Effects of tillage practices on the functional diversity of microbial community in arable soil. Poster at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2018
Guzmán, G., Montes-Borrego, M., Gramaje, D., Benitez, E., Gomez, J.A., Landa, B.B.: Cover crops as bio-tools to keep biodiversity and quality in sloping olive orchards. Poster at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2018
Torppa, K., Viketoft, M., Bengtsson, J., Taylor, A.R.: Intensive tillage reduces bioturbation by earthworms. Poster at International earthworm congress, Shanghai, China, June 2018
Schmoock, I., Linsler, D., Schrader, S., Taylor, A.R., Potthoff, M.: The effect of ploughing on earthworms and enchytraeids – Soil biotic properties and carbon dynamics. Poster at 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Vienna, Austria, September 2018
Hervé, M.E.T., Nicolai, A., Renault, M., Bergmann, H., Runge, T., Cluzeau, D., Potthoff, M., Pérès, G., Plaas, E.: National specific production systems may induce different perceptions of management impacts on soil biodiversity functions: comparison of five European countries. Poster at International Conference on Ecological Sciences, Rennes, France, Oktober 2018
Schmoock, I., Linsler, D., Schrader, S., Taylor, A.R., Potthoff, M.: Soil functional impacts of annelids affected by different vertical placement of crop litter due to tillage. Poster at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2019
Guzmán, G., Rivas-Romero, J. C., Trapero-Casas, J. L., Estudillo, C., Montes-Borrego, M., Román-Écija, M., Haro, C. M., Olivares, C., Girón, I. F., Madejón, E., Linsler, D., Gómez, J. A., Camino, C., Navas-Cortés, J. A., Landa, B. B.: Soil suppressiveness in arable fields under different managements across europe. Poster at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2019
Linsler, D., Bender, S., Schmoock, I., Potthoff, M.: Influence of annelids and the location of organic material on water-stable aggregate distribution. Poster at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2019
Dascălu, D., Vidican, R., Onica, B.M., and Sandor, M.S.: Community level physiological profile of soil microbial community in arable Romanian soils under minimum and conventional tillage. Poster at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2019
Sandor, M.S., Vidican, R., Dascălu, D. and Onica, B.M.: Changes of soil functional microbial diversity in organic and mineral fertilized soils. Poster at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2019
Meyer-Wolfarth, F., van Capelle, C., Meiners, T., Sandor, M.S., Schrader, S.: Mycotoxin degradation by earthworms - belowground support for healthy arable soils. Poster at Mycotoxin-Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2019
Schrader, S., Meyer-Wolfarth, F., Oldenburg, E., Meiners, T., Munoz, K.: Leaching potential of mycotoxins from contaminated maize - a threat to agricultural soils? Poster at annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of Switzerland and the German Soil Science Society, Bern, Switzerland, August 2019
Gerigk, J., Linsler, D., Schmoock, I., Potthoff, M., Jörgensen, R.G.: Mikrobielle Bodeneigenschaften von landwirtschaftlichen Böden in Europa. Poster at annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of Switzerland and the German Soil Science Society, Bern, Switzerland, August 2019
Linsler, D., Bender, S., Schmoock, I., Potthoff, M.: Einfluss von Anneliden und der Lage von organischem Material auf die Verteilung von wasserstabilen Bodenaggregaten. Poster at annual Meeting of the Soil Science Society of Switzerland and the German Soil Science Society, Bern, Switzerland, August 2019
Beylich, A., Graefe, U., Schmelz, R., Linsler, D.: Vertical distribution of microannelids in relation to tillage and vertical gradients of soil organic matter in some European field soils. Poster at Wageningen Soil Conference, Wageningen, The Netherlands, August 2019
Schmoock, I., Linsler, D., Schrader, S., Taylor, A.R., Potthoff, M.: Effect of varying food placements due to tillage on two earthworm species (Lumbricus terrestris vs. Octolasion cyaneum), representing diffrent ecological groups.Poster at Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Münster, Germany, September 2019
Hervé, M.E.T., Renault, M., Cluzeau, D., Potthoff, M., Schuette, R., Plaas, E., Nicolai, A.: Soils and soil biota values for European farmers: investigating the existence of geographical variations using the valuating milieu approach. Poster at Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Münster, Germany, September 2019
Schmoock, I., Linsler, D., Schrader, S. , Taylor, A.R., Potthoff, M.: Effects of tillage intensity in arable land on ecosystem services driven by soil biota. Poster at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
Linsler, D., Bender, S., Schmoock, I., Potthoff, M.: Do annelids or litter locations influence the water-stable aggregate distribution? Poster at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
Gerigk, J., Linsler, D., Schmoock, I., Potthoff, M., Jörgensen, R.G.: Microbial properties of agricultural soils in Europe. Poster at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
Hoeffner, K., Hotte, H., Cluzeau, D., Charrier, X., Gastal, F., Pérès, G.: How grassland introduction into permanent crop rotation (maize/barley/wheat) affects earthworm communities? Poster at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
van Capelle, C., Meyer-Wolfarth, F., Meiners, T., Sandor, M.S., Schrader, S.:Suppression of plant pathogens and detoxification by soil biota - belowground support for healthy arable soils. Poster at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
Graefe, U., Beylich, A., Schmelz, R., Linsler, D.: The performance of microannelid communities at SoilMan sites. Poster at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
Taylor, A.R., Torppa, K., Bengtsson, J.: Effect of tillage intensity an earthworms and their bioturbation activity. Poster at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
Hanisch, J., Scheu, S.: Collembolan biodiversity in agricultural fields across Europe as affected by farm-based management pratices. Poster at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
Dascălu, D., Onica, B., Sandor, M.S.: Can tillage management induce changes in functional diversity of the soil microbial community? Poster at Conference "Soil Biota driven Ecosystem Services in European Agriculture", Braunschweig, Germany, October 2019
Schmoock, I., Linsler, D., Sandor., M.S., Joergensen, R.G., Potthoff, M.: Long-term effects of tillage intensity on the distribution of microbial biomass and activity in four arable field-sites across Europe. Display at EGU General Assembly, Online, May 2020
Linsler, D., Gerigk, J., Schmoock, I., Jörgensen, R.G., Potthoff, M.: Microbial properties in European arable soils with different tillage systems. Display at EGU General Assembly, Online, May 2020
Arias, L. F., Guzmán, G., Gómez, J. A., Anguita-Maeso, M., Dascălu, D., Linsler, D., Morvan, T., Öpik, M., Pèrés, G., Potthoff, M., Sandor, M.S., Taylor, A.R., Torppa, K., Vahter, T., Landa, B. B.: Effects of agricultural soil management practices on soil microbiota across Europe-investigations in seven long term field experiments. Display at EGU General Assembly, Online, May 2020
van Capelle, C., Meyer-Wolfarth, F., Meiners, T., Sandor, M.S., Schrader, S.: Soil fauna regulates the ecosystem service/disservice balance in mulched soils. Display at EGU General Assembly, Online, May 2020
Anguita-Maeso, M., Rivas, J. C., León, G., Estudillo, C., Navas-Cortés, J.A., Landa, B.B.: Soil microbial communities from olive cultivars are shaped by seasonality and geographical scales. Display at EGU General Assembly, Online, May 2020
BiodivERsA COFUND Call on “Understanding and managing biodiversity dynamics to improve ecosystem functioning and delivery of ecosystem services in a global change context: the cases of soils and sediments, and land- river and sea-scapes http://www.biodiversa.org/978